Hand Car Wash Monthly Cost of $49.95 includes the following
- 24 hours, 7 days a week Helpdesk, Replacement Call tag
- More advanced Order Management – you can create, save, and refund specific orders
- You can assign item categories, numbers, and notes to specific orders for easier tracking
- Inventory management to allow you to manage simple items
- Track the stock levels of your current inventory
- Automatic Cost, Price, and Stock Cascading For Multi Pack Items
- Deeper access to integrate with items/orders are allowed
- Barcode Item Transaction, Without Barcode Item Transaction
- Car Wash all services auto mated buttons for service charge
- Daily Discount Available: Women’s, Men’s, Early Birds Auto discount
- Gift Card Processing
- Email or Print Transaction summary
- Easy Discount
- Rewards/ Loyalty can be set up at a per-item level
- Multi Discounts i.e. BOGO, Buy two or more, etc.
- Multi Tender Capabilities
- Management Reports, Profit/Margin Reports, and Customizable Reports Available
- Multi-Label Design Printing
- Bulk Update
- Daily Database Backup
- Built-in Customer Rewards Program